All-Party Parliamentary Group against Anti-Semitism

The All-Party Parliamentary Group against Anti-Semitism is a group in the Parliament of the United Kingdom chaired by John Mann MP.[1]

The Group commissioned the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Antisemitism in 2005. The inquiry panel, chaired by former Europe Minister Rt Hon Dr Denis MacShane MP, gathered written and oral evidence on antisemitism in Britain and published a report of their findings on 7 September 2006. The panel's recommendations included improved reporting and recording of antisemitic attacks; a crackdown on anti-Jewish activity on university campuses; and improved international co-operation to prevent the spread of racist material online.[2]

The Labour Government responded to the Inquiry twice and the coalition Government has since responded for a third time. Secretariat to the group is provided by the PCAA Foundation.

It has campaigned against individual websites which it claims are antisemitic, which has closed down one site called "Catholic Voice".[3]


  1. ^ Official Listing in the UK Parliament website
  2. ^ All-Party Parliamentary Group against Antisemitism (UK) (September 2006). "Report of the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Antisemitism" (PDF). Retrieved 14 February 2007. 
  3. ^ BT shuts down ‘anti-Semitic’ Catholic website, by Martin Williams, Sunday Herald

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